3 Reasons Pickleball is the Perfect Long Weekend Activity

We can always find a reason to play pickleball. And we can especially find a reason to play with a long weekend coming up. If you're like us, September crept up without a warning. So as we thought about last-minute ideas for what to do over the long weekend, one thing came to mind.
Pickleball! Here's why.

1. Pickleball is for all.
The family. Friends. Neighbors. Kids. Adults. Adults who feel like kids. Doesn't matter if you play every day or if you've never heard of the game. It's easy to get everyone involved. All you need are some extra pickleball paddles and balls. For Labor Day Weekend, we'd even suggest putting a "tournament" together. Day 1 can be a warm-up day for everyone. Day 2 can be round one. And Day 3 can be the championship games with a grill out afterwards.
2. Pickleball is a workout you don't need to convince yourself to do.
We're guilty of it. You plan on going for a run or walk. Or maybe do some yoga or body weight exercise around the house. But then, you get busy or sidetracked, and never quite lace up the tennis shoes. Pickleball is the perfect workout. Because it doesn't even feel like a workout! You're going to break a sweat and you'll surely feel a nice body burn after a couple matches. But it's a game we never feel like we have to motivate ourselves to do. Which makes it the perfect exercise plan for a long weekend!
3. Pickleball gets you outdoors while you still can.
With the start of September, we can't help but think about the end of summer. We'll surely still have some good pickleball weather. But we are approaching indoor season. So get outside while you can. And Labor Day weekend is the perfect excuse. Being outdoors has proven to decrease stress and anxiety, improve creativity and overall mood, and provide the best source for vitamin D. Which we can all use more of. At the end of the day, pickleball is simply a great excuse to be outside with friends. You'll feel incredible after a game or two. Or three. Guaranteed.
Let us know what your pickleball plans are for the long weekend! And if you need any last-minute pickleball gear, we've got you covered.