How Our Business in Ohio is Helping Grow Pickleball Globally

Baddle Pickleball + Pickleball Philippines


It's no secret. Pickleball is one of the fastest growing sports in the U.S. And it's also no secret that Baddle proudly claims its Ohio roots

But did you know, pickleball is also one of the fastest growing sports around the world? And that, at Baddle, we're connecting with pickleball clubs across the globe? True story. 

We're committed to growing the sport as much as possible. So we team up with other pickleball clubs and organizations around the world to help spread the fire. 

Recently, we worked with Pickleball Philippines to help them develop a new logo. We incorporated the colors of the Philippines flag. And we even included the date, 10/31/2015, into our design. This is the day that Pickleball Philippines social media sites went live to the world. 

We're excited about the logo for all those reasons. But ultimately, we're just glad to help grow the sport and meet some fellow pickleballers from outside the country. 

If you or any pickleball organization you know needs a hand, let us know.